Our Core Initiatives
Empowering people for a brighter tomorrow
Our vision is to be a leading NGO in the US and Africa that transforms the lives of marginalized communities through partnerships, equitable access to quality education, health, nutrition and complementary empowerment measures.
Pisgah International Development & Relief Services (PIDRS) will leverage complementary empowerment initiatives to support marginalized communities in the USA and Africa, by enhancing access to primary and basic education from KG-12, including job-readiness training acquired through technical and vocational skills, while improving health and nutrition status of mothers and school children in vulnerable households and underserved communities.
We believe having access to quality education, starting at the primary to basic levels, and providing access to technical and vocational skills are foundational to human development. Consequently, PIDRS aim to eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access for children from KG-12.
Health &
PIDRS is focused on delivering direct maternal and child health, community health and wellness programs to “prepare for immediate and future health crises and emergencies”.
Relief &
Conflicts, natural disasters, diseases, and famines disrupt human and economic development opportunities globally, especially in Africa. Through our operations, PIDRS proudly commit to improving the lives of the communities and countries we operate in by mobilizing resources and responding to the development and relief calls to communities experiencing deteriorating or difficult life changing issues.
Forging Strong Partners
to Build Better Communities
Connecting hearts, transforming lives and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone
Connecting Hearts to UNDESERVED People
Our Theory of Change
Because those with unmet social and economic needs remain invisible to health, education and humanitarian systems, we work in the USA, Ghana and the rest of Africa to help program providers strengthen systems and services delivery with integrated (or holistic) community development programs in order to prevent and rescue one million people from inter-generational poverty.
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